Solitude Trailer
1. The first screen shot that I like is when the soon to be college students move into a house. There is a close up of a phone beeping and you can see many pairs of legs moving around. One pair of legs stop and moves towards the phone. A girl picks it up and speaks into it. Our eyes are attracted to the phone. The lighting is in between high and low contrast/key. The shot is a close up of the phone and the girl's face. The camera is at neutral eye level. The main eye stop after the dominant object (phone) is the girl's face and seeing her confused and oddly calm reaction to the speaker on the phone. There isn't a lot of visual information packed into the shot, except the blurry long shot of the girl's college friends in the background. The texture of the density is stark. The foreground consists of the girl talking on the phone. The background consists of the girl's friends. The form is closed and the image is a proscenium arch, where the visual elements, such as the phone and the girl, are carefully arranged and held in balance. The framing is very tight because the girl doesn't have room to move around. The director keep the camera close to the action thus emphasizing motion. The movements in the scene are very naturalistic and lyrical. The form of the hand movement is very slow, which supports the content of the scene, finding a mysterious person on the phone. When the girl's friends ask who is on the phone, she turns her head slowly to them and says, "Nobody". Her movements are again very slow and dramatic, which builds tensions for the viewers.
2. The second screen shot that is chosen is when a guy walks down an abandoned hallway and he appears to be disappearing from one spot and reappearing in another spot. Our eyes are attracted to the guy first because he is in motion. The lighting has a very l
ow key, which emphasizes the dark and eerie mood. The scene is filmed in a long shot. The camera is at neutral eye level. The dominant color is greenish white. This symbolizes the horror and darkness of the movie. The eye stop after taking in the dominant is the disappearing of the guy's body after he takes a few steps. Not a lot of information is packed into the image. The texture is moderate. The foreground consists of the wall of the hallway. The mid-ground consists of the guy walking. the background consists of the guy's disappearing body. The form is open where the image suggest a window that arbitrarily isolates a fragment of the scene. The framing is loose because the guy has room to move freely without any impediments. The director emphasizes movement through the use of longer shots, high angles, and slow-paced action. The movements in the scene is disorienting because we are lost when the guy manipulates time and space and travels from one space to the next in a short amount of time. The slow movement emphasizes the ominous tone and that something horrible will happen to the guy in the hallway.
3. The third screen shot that I chose is when the "killer" stands on the roof of a building, looking down. He or she is the only thing our eyes are attracted to because he is the only character in the shot and he looks really frightening. The lighting is incredibly low, setting up the dark and horrific tone. The killer is filmed in a long shot and the camera is looking up at the killer. The dominant colors are red and black, which represent blood and murder. Not much visual information is packed into the screen shot because the killer is the only one in the shot. The texture is stark. The underlying design is very simple: the killer is in the mid-ground. The form is open and the image suggest a window that arbitrarily isolates a fragment of the scene. Framing loose because the killer has a lot of room to move freely without impediments. There is little movement in this screen shot, but the director emphasize slight movement through the use of longer shots, high angles, and slow-paced action. The movement is stylized to be dramatic. The killer appearing into the shot slowly and stopping automatically shows that he is watching someone and is planning to do something horrible. The killer's dark appearance and slow movements build tension within viewers.
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