A pen scribbles away furiously on a notebook. The teacher's voice is rambling in the background. The bell rings and right away students shout in excitement. The classroom clears and a young girl is left alone in her seat. She slowly packs up her stuff in her backpack and goes out into the hall way. The hallway is a blur as students quickly walk, run, and skip past her from left and right. She spots a large group of friends gossiping in the corner by the water fountain and she lets out a heavy sigh.
The girl makes her way back home on foot. As she passes by houses in the quiet suburb, she suddenly passes by a bush of red roses. She picks a single one off the bush by its stem. The thorns prick her fingers and she yells in pain. She stares at her punctured fingers and wonders what else could make her day worse: her lack of friends or her bleeding fingers. Quickly ignoring the pain, she holds the rose to her nose and smells the sweet fragrance. Then the realization hits her. She forms a subtle smile and her blue eyes grow brighter as she realizes how much the rose represents her. Time slowly stops as she goes into a daydream. Like the rose, she also has thorns and flaws that she isn't proud of (a flashback of her tormenting days in school) . Yet, in a way she has the opportunity to bloom into a beautiful flower in the future (flash forward of her working in her successful career) . She snaps back to reality and swiftly walks home with a blissful gleam in her eyes and her head held high.
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